The Paediatric Rheumatology INternational Trials Organisation (PRINTO) is a not for profit, non governmental, international research network founded by Alberto Martini and Nicolino Ruperto in 1996. Including initially 14 European countries, the organization counts now on the cooperation of 2073 members from 729 centres in 95 countries worldwide. PRINTO has the goal to foster, facilitate and co-ordinate the development, conduct, analysis, and reporting of multi-centres, international clinical trials and/or outcome standardisation studies in children with paediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD).
The coordinating centre is based in Genoa.
To learn more about PRINTO click here
To download the PRINTO brochure click here
conect4children (c4c)
PRINTO is partner of the "conect4children" (c4c) initiative, the collaborative network for European clinical trials for children, (c4c) a consortium that aims to enhance the competitiveness of Europe as a critical region for developing medicines for children. |
Liaisons with pharmaceutical companies
PRINTO is working with pharmaceutical companies as advisor for trials planning, centre selection, data collection, data analysis and interpretation… |
The STARS Trial
The comparison of STep-up and step-down therapeutic strategies in childhood ARthritiS trial (STARS) is a new interventional trial aiming to investigate whether an early aggressive therapeutic intervention in children with JIA, based on the initial start of synthetic and biologic DMARDs (Step-down strategy), is superior to an approach based on treatment escalation conducted following the treat-to-target principle (Step-up strategy). |
The JIA classification study
The PRINTO Evidence-based Revision of the International League Against Rheumatism (ILAR) Classification criteria for juvenile idiopathic Arthritis. |
The KIWI study
Retrospective-prospective, observational, descriptive and multicenter study of patients with KD for the comparison and performance of Kobayashi and Kawanet IVIg resistance scores in a multi-centric European and North Indian cohort of Kawasaki disease. |
The study is aimed to evaluate, through a pragmatic trial, safety and efficacy of switching from the adalimumab and etanercept originator molecules versus their biosimilar competitors and vice-versa in children with JIA in clinical remission on anti-TNF medication. |
The PReS Autoinflammatory Diseases’ Working Group, in collaboration with PRINTO, set up a a web-based international registry for Autoinflammatory diseases. |
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of LoSQI in JLS
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Localised Scleroderma Quality of Life Instrument (LoSQI) in juvenile localised scleroderma (JLS) is a multicentre study of the PRES scleroderma working party in collaboration with members of the CARRA scleroderma working group. |
The METAPHOR project
The project named "OptiMizing trEatment in systemic juvenile idiopaThic Arthritis (sJIA) and macroPHage activation syndrOme (MAS)/secondaRy hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), (METAPHOR), is winner of the 2021 PReS/PRINTO call for grants and has the aim to provide an overview of the real-life experience in sJIA and MAS/sHLH treatment through a survey involving the pediatric rheumatology centers part of the PReS/PRINTO networks. |
The CREATE trial
Therapeutic approach in Colchicine-resistant Recurrent pEricarditis in children: an open-label randomized trial comparing Anakinra vs sTEroids |
PRINTO and PRES are conducting a pharmacovigilance project which aims at observing children with JIA for 3-10 years undergoing treatment with MTX or biologic agents in order to collect moderate, severe or serious adverse events occurred. |
The HyperPED-COVID Registry
A joined PReS, ESID, ISSAID, ERN-RITA and PRINTO network’s effort has been started with the aim to buid a registry of children and young adults who have developed serious inflammatory condition in temporal association with COVID-19 in the community. |
The DAISY study
The DAISY study (Applicability of standardized ultrasound examination to estimate disease activity in combination with JADAS and inflammation markers in JIA patients) aims to investigate sensitivity and predictive value of the multi-biomarker panel and to evaluate if it could be applied in limited number of joints in patients with oligo and polyarticular JIA course as a new disease activity tool and outcome measure. |
The MeRITA project
The MeRITA meta-data registry will collect in aggregated fashion the Common Data Elements (CDEs) of the single participating registries. |
PAPA - Can trial
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized withdrawal study of canakinumab in pyogenic sterile arthritis pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (PAPA) syndrome |